Bemisan Plus (systemic)
Pest Controlled: Mites, Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Pin worm, Leaf miner, Fruit worm etc.
Rate of Application: 2tsp per gal (250 - 500mls per acre in 50 gals water).
Ethrine Plus (contact / stomach poison)
Pest Controlled: Mites, Whiteflies, Aphids, Mealy bugs, Diamond back moth, Thrips, Leaf miner, Caterpillars, Mole cricket, Scales, Ticks, Fleas, Darkling beetle, Cassava horn worm, Fruit worm, etc.
Rate of Application: 1 - 2 tsp per gal (500ml per acre in 50 gals water).
Mocap (contact / fumigant)
Pest Controlled: Soil nematicide, (nematodes), Mole crickets, Sweet potato Stem Borer, Giant African Snails, Banana Borer, Mealy Bugs in Peniapples.
Rate of Application: 1 - 2 tsp per planting hole 15 kg per acre
Movento ( 2 way systemic)
Pest Controlled: MItes, Whiteflies, Aphids, Scales, Mealy Bugs, Midge, Psyllids (all sucking insects).
Rate of Application: 1 / 2 tsp per gal (125ml per acre in 50 gals water).
Oberon (systemic)
Pest Controlled: All stages of Whiteflies, Mites, Thrips, Psyllids, Leaf Miner, Midge.
Rate of application: 1tsp per gal (250ms per acre in 50 gals water).
Regent (systemic)
Pest Controlled: Thrips, Mole cricket, Cut worms, Diamond back Moth, Ants, Aphids, Leaf Miner, Cockroaches, Ticks, Termites, Fleas (tick and fleas control on dogs and cats), etc.
Rate of Application: 1 tsp per gal ( 250ml per acre in 50 gals water ).
Sevin (contact)
Pest Controlled: Broad spectrum insecticide. (plant and house hold pests, animal parasites).
Rate of Application: 1 / 2 tbsp per gal (1.5kg per acre in 50 gals water).
Thiovin (stomach poison)
Pest Controlled: Large worms, Slugs, Snails, Giant African Snails, Loopers, Army worms, Tomato fruit worm, Pepper fruit worm, as well as Ovicidal action on eggs.
Rate os Application: 1 - 2 tbsp per gal (1 - 1.5ltrs per acre in 50 gals water)
Trebon (contact)
Pest Controlled: Very spectrum, low toxicity insecticide, Mosquitoes, Cockroaches, Termites, Weevils, Flies, Cut Worms, Beetles, Aphids, Midge, Scales, Worms.
Rate of Application: 1 tsp per gal (250ml per acre in 50 gals water).
Bemisan Plus
Etherine Plus